Trinity’s team knows the challenges that many healthcare and medical practices face and can help ensure that your practice reaches its full potential.
The Healthcare and Medical field requires key skills and knowledge to run a successful practice. The hard work, care and attentiveness put toward patients must also be met with attention to the bottom line. We offer a wide range of Healthcare and Medical services:
- Assessment of Office Structure and Workflow
- Compensation Review, Bonus Package Evaluation and Implementation
- Assessment of the Organization to Minimize Liability Exposure and Maximize Tax Benefits
- Transfer of Interest for Buyers and Sellers of Medical Practices Including Negotiation, Valuation, Tax Consequences and Contract Development
- Benchmarking and Budgeting to Improve Financial Feedback
- Preparation of Audited and Reviewed Financial Statements for Regulatory or Lending Entities
- Implementation of Best Accounting Practices
- Analysis of Capital and Expenditures and Debt Financing
- Tax Advising, Planning and Compliance through Common Issues in the Healthcare and Medical Field